How To Manage Your Emotional Energy For Mental Wellbeing

In layman’s terms, ‘emotion’ refers to feelings generated spontaneously in a certain situation/circumstance; while ‘energy’ is the force that makes you ‘do’ what you do in response to the situation. Emotional energy therefore, is a force that makes you ‘do’ things based on how you feel under a certain circumstance. More often than not, what […]

How To Begin The Journey Of Self-Validation?

Love is a very important word that rotates the world around. I am not talking about the mushy and warm feeling which will make your heart skip a beat. Here, love has a much deeper sense than this feeling. It can be for any relationship in your life, including the most important relationship in your […]

Top 5 Benefits Of Gamification In Learning

Classrooms, lectures, binders and boredom… the ways of conventional corporate training are taking their final steps to irrelevance. Be it work-from-home or otherwise, no one, absolutely ‘No One’ would want to spend two good hours of their day sitting through wordy lectures that can lull their grey-matter to sleep in just 15 minutes through the […]

5 Golden Rules for Financial Planning

We learn by facing obstacles, and this pandemic has really shown us the mirror of why planning our financial needs and goals are essential. Financial planning is the process that helps you achieve the goals in your life and provides you a framework for avoiding contingency and financial surprises. The earlier you start this process, […]

How Coaching Can Help You Achieve More

One of the main issues faced by both large and small companies is work with personnel. Hiring a coach is an effective method to improve company performance. What is it and what are the advantages of this method of work? What is coaching? Coaching is a system of work with personnel with the involvement of […]

How To Overcome The Fear Of Being Judged

‘Let him who is without sins cast the first stone’… Should this not be reason enough to free yourself from the fear of being judged? However, this is the 21st century we are talking about, where every mouth has an opinion about everyone but themselves. Freedom of speech has somehow been misinterpreted as the freedom […]

Pandemic Expectations For India By Shelly Maheshwari Gupta

The period 2021, March 21-May 7, shows a diabolical increase in the pandemic in India with many new cases (influence of Rahu in the 7th house in with Sun and Moon). Though many people will survive, there will be many deaths too – many more than during the peak around mid-September 2020. There will be […]

7 Useful Tips To Stay Productive During Work From Home

Somewhere around the 1st quarter of 2020, the 9 to 5 office-going brave hearts had unanimously agreed that Work from Home was, in fact, the only silver lining to the Covid cloud. With… over 82% of telecommuters reported lower stress and higher happiness quotient, nearly 15% instantly enhanced productivity and companies saving billions of dollars […]

7 Positive Morning Habits For a Fulfilling Day

With the second wave hitting us hard and fear & uncertainty creeping in, it is hard for us to maintain our sanity, be calm and stay positive. We feel stressed, overwhelmed and not sure how to handle the situation. In these tough times, what we can hope for is for things to be better, do […]

5 Lessons The COVID-19 Pandemic Has Taught Us

The global Pandemic 2020 has shaken us to our very foundations. Incessant lockdowns, loss of jobs, social alienation, financial crunch, cancellation of travel plans, widespread pain and suffering; loss of near and dear ones, and of course, adjusting to a sudden change in lifestyle has put the global population in a state of shock. And […]

A counselling psychologist by profession, Abs specialises in addressing mental health concerns of adolescents, young adults, and adults including stress & time management, relationship counselling, substance abuse, domestic violence, perinatal problems, depression, loneliness, anxiety, sexual issues, identity crisis and work issues, among others. She believes that therapy can hold different experiences & meanings for each individual, thus using an eclectic approach with her clients.

Aditya’s passion lies in Career and Business Strategy. He loves Supporting executives and professionals with career obstacles such as self regulation, goal directed persistence, task initiation, planning/prioritization, role transition, organization and time management.

His clients share from the experience about their coaching engagement  that they feel his coaching is an experience that is engaging, highly energizing and making learning fun. He has a strong determination to offer something different, with the intention of helping others succeed in their walks of life.

His accreditations includes him being an Associate Certified Coach (ACC- ICF),Brave Spirit Icon 2017 I Youth Icon Recipient 2016 I National Service Excellence Award 2016 I National Education Award 2015 

His experience includes 50,000+ hours that involves facilitation/presentation/training/consulting on a wide variety of topics globally across Dubai, Sri Lanka, UK, Canada, Indonesia, Australia, USA. He has successfully engaged with over 1,00,000+ participants from diverse backgrounds working on a national and international assignment since 2014.