How Good Mental Health Helps Tackle Almost Everything

Having problems at work? Can’t maintain long-lasting relationships? Have difficulty concentrating on school work? Fear not – dedicating time to develop and promote mental health has long-lasting benefits in all areas of life. Why Mental Health is Important in Every Aspect of Life Not everyone recognizes the importance of maintaining good mental health. Apart from […]
Life Coaching With Happiness Coach

The dynamic of today’s world relies upon making a person work beyond their limits which has an extremely detrimental effect on the mental health of a common man. This in turn affects their relationships with the people around them and this heinous cycle continues with no end in sight. It is said that the stress […]
How to navigate the month of uncontrolled fire element-August & September

Between 16th August to 16th September, a unique event will happen in the planetary position in the universe which occurs once in 50 or 100 years. We all know that the entire universe is made of five elements: Space, Earth, Water, Air & Fire and All the Zodiacs are divided among these four Elements. During […]
Re-energize Your Business with Us

Business coaching, a concept that most people underestimate in terms of importance, helps take businesses from where they are to where their creators aim them to be. While a mentor simply advises on certain aspects, a coach assists business owners in various areas, such as goal planning, accountability, and management, so that they can achieve […]
Dealing with Anxiousness in Relations

While every relationship is based on patience, trust, and mutual understanding, feelings of nervousness and anxiety can easily destroy love and tenderness. Anxiety works differently for everyone but one thing’s for sure – it ruins everyone’s peace of mind and leads to feelings of self-doubt and depression. What makes these particular times even more stressful […]
Astro vision 2020- The entire prediction of 2020

1. Rise of Robotic technology, Artificial intelligence, digital world, major scientific breakthrough see going to happen especially in the field of medicine, space & Astronomy. Human dependency on technologies will increase much more as humans will not be able to work freely due to environmental changes, calamities & viruses so human productivity will decrease drastically. […]
Feeling unlucky? Read this.

Nowadays there are a lot of people who are facing disappointments in their work or life despite the efforts they are putting in. They have become pretty confused about what next step they should take to survive in these challenging times or are losing hope and positivity. So conclusively they say that destiny or luck […]
6 Tips to Stay Positive When Working from Home during COVID-19

Since the on-going COVID-19 pandemic doesn’t seem to be ending anytime soon, it’s realistic to assume that working from home (WFH) may be the new normal for quite a while. For many employees, this experience will be new – not to mention frustrating and frightening – which means they’ll have to figure out how to […]
The Importance of Happiness Coach

We’ve all had days when we felt like our world is falling apart what with one thing or another going awry. This feeling of helplessness can be detrimental to our overall wellbeing. Stress and anxiety take over us because of external factors like school, college, work or even our favourite sports team! This can, at […]