We’ve all had days when we felt like our world is falling apart what with one thing or another going awry. This feeling of helplessness can be detrimental to our overall wellbeing. Stress and anxiety take over us because of external factors like school, college, work or even our favourite sports team! This can, at times occupy our minds to such an extent that we no longer are able to function.
Then couple all this with the world telling you “you’re lazy” or “it’s all in your head” that serves as the icing on a cake because what could possibly be better than your closest folks telling you that what you’re feeling is completely invalid, am I right?
To combat this dilemma, we all have some supporting characters in our life. It could be our siblings, friends or cousins who we know will always listen to what we have to say and give a good piece of advice.
However, there are times when even our most trustworthy people leave us because they have to attend to matters of their own or sometimes they might even say something that just comes out downright offensive and instead of calming you down, it just gets you more stressed.
You see, calming down a stressed person is an art. The selection of right words that will hit exactly the right chords is like a stroke of a brush on a linen canvas made by Picasso himself. We can’t just expect everyone to have the same expertise as him now, can we? The same way, how can we expect a normal person to do the work of a professional who has the right tools and knowledge to deal with this?
This is where the role of a Happiness Coach comes in. As the name implies, we, at Happiness Coach help you find the positives in your life so you can live happier and be content with your life.
The saying “happiness is a choice” is absolutely spot on and to achieve that, a purposeful approach is necessary. This is where we can help you the most through supportive dialogue and exercises which can give you the skills to simplify and improve your quality of life. We open new opportunities for you to find personal joy.
To put it in simple terms, having a happiness coach is like having your own Genie in a bottle.
How so, you may ask? Well, Genie helped Aladdin get worldly things which made him happy, whereas a happiness coach will help you achieve stable mental health which won’t let you reach that point of no return where you’ll become so deluded that you’ll be rubbing a lamp and then talking to a ghost hoping it would make your life easier. We can help you understand what it takes to live your life with content without the constant worry of what will happen next. We can be the adhesive that can connect your soul with your body. Self-care is key in ensuring a happy life and we can show you how to prioritize your own wellbeing.
Just how important is a Happiness coach?
To put it in simple terms, having a happiness coach is like having your own Genie in a bottle. How so, you may ask? Well, Genie helped Aladdin get worldly things which made him happy, whereas a happiness coach will help you achieve a stable mental health which won’t let you reach that point of no return where you’ll become so deluded that you’ll be rubbing a lamp and then talking to a ghost hoping it would make your life easier. We can help you understand what it takes to live your life with content without the constant worry of what will happen next. We can be the adhesive that can connect your soul with your body. Self-care is key in ensuring a happy life and we can show you how to prioritize your own wellbeing.

The people in our lives are prone to be affected by our negativity regardless of how much they love and care about us and this can make things hard and sometimes produce strains within the strongest of relationships. A happiness coach can help you get a happier outlook on life consequently improving those relationships.