Why Emotional Intelligence In Leadership Matters

Emotional intelligence is an extremely effective skill used by great leaders to solve problems and enhance their professional skills. It is considered the most important part of leadership since it helps check a leadership style’s effectiveness. Emotional intelligence is nothing but the ability to understand and manage one’s emotions and recognise/control others’ perspectives/ emotions. Experts […]
How To Assess Leadership And Management Strengths In An Organization

A staggering 77% percent of corporate and business establishments at a global level, have reported a serious lack of leadership in their organizational ambience. At the same time, 83% have agreed that encouraging leadership at all levels is inarguably essential. And why shouldn’t it be, given that identifying leaders at their early stages can fuel […]
What Is Incentive Motivation And Does It Work?

Many different factors motivate employees to work hard and stay committed to a company. Many employees are motivated by receiving incentives when they demonstrate a strong work ethic. Understanding the incentive theory of motivation may help you enhance your management style, Boost your team members’ sense of worth and strengthen your own professional development goals. […]
5 Things You Must Be Doing To Create A Happy Workplace

A positive work atmosphere attracts good individuals and encourages your employees to achieve their best for the firm. Most employees would happily thrive in a job where they feel properly cared for. By definition, a job isn’t always joyful or fun. Work is difficult. It’s difficult to deal with work-related stress on a daily basis. […]
7 Best Examples of Gamification In Corporate Training

7 Best Examples of Gamification In Corporate Training All work and no play makes Boba slow, unmotivated employee. Humans are born with grey cells for a reason. Creativity, problem-solving, learning and bringing new ideas to life are part and parcel of our existence. Therefore, being pushed into a mundane, monotonous yet obligatory role at work […]
5 Ways Gamified Coaching Can Fill The Corporate Learning Gap Created By COVID-19

As the pandemic continues to ravage the world, people are becoming more and more virtual. While going virtual offers many advantages, one thing is that it produces a great learning gap due to effective engagement. This is particularly true for many corporate organizations. Also, due to remote working, companies lose some of the perks with […]
An Introduction To Gamification In Corporate Training

The corporate ecosystem is evolving by the day with newer goals and newer challenges. Employees, teams and leaders therefore, need to adapt to the new emerging realities with a strictly restructured approach that can help them achieve specific tasks and targets faster, better and with 100% interest and motivation. Hence…Gamification! An Introduction to Gamification in […]
How to Build Leadership And Mutual Trust With Gamification In Corporate Training

Gamification in the Workplace: An Eye-Opening Example It was about half a decade ago while attending a workplace training program on boosting team performance, I was a little surprised, rather pleasantly, to see pretty pink and blue balloons being handed out to participants at the very onset. As curiosity was building on ‘what next,’ our […]
Starting Out in Your Career -Doing It Right the First Time

Firstly, congratulations on starting your career! There’s a long way to go, and it may seem intimidating, but don’t worry, we at Happiness Coach have got you covered. Getting your first job, or starting your own business is the first step to having your own career. Being a first-timer, this may be new to you […]
The Science Behind Manifestation

Running through random Instagram posts on positivity and mental wellbeing… I discovered an oasis of affirmations that touched every swollen point in an average individual’s life. Love, luck, finances, progress, achievements, peace and plentitude… it was as simple as typing ‘Yes’ to affirm and double tap to claim. Going with the flow, I started seeing […]