The Science Behind Manifestation

Running through random Instagram posts on positivity and mental wellbeing… I discovered an oasis of affirmations that touched every swollen point in an average individual’s life. Love, luck, finances, progress, achievements, peace and plentitude… it was as simple as typing ‘Yes’ to affirm and double tap to claim.

Going with the flow, I started seeing these posts more often, that after a while, started to bring an uncontrived smile on my face. I was suddenly more confident, more hopeful, abundantly motivated and happier than I had ever been before. Overall, there was an aura of positivity in my thinking that propelled my goals to speedy achievements.

As my personal, social and professional progresses became more conspicuous to my folks, I still struggled with the thought that I did practically nothing to mop the fog from my life. Good things just happened, rather randomly. Or, did it?

‘You are Manifesting All the Time… Knowingly or Unknowingly’

Turns out, I was manifesting positive transformations in my life, unknowingly.

And it worked!

After inviting and retaining progressive and positive influences from various sources for a prolonged period of time, I subconsciously started believing that ‘Everything I wished for is a reality that has been accomplished somewhere along the future timeline’.

So, did faith make the wheels of fortune turn for the better?

If you dig deeper… It was Neuroscience All The Way.

RAS… The Science Behind ‘Manifestations

The Oxford Dictionary defines ‘Manifestation’ as ‘an event, action or thing that is a sign that something exists, or is happening’…


Going by the simplest urban definition though, manifestation has everything to do with ‘Focusing intently on something you want till it actually comes true’.

Basically, it is rewiring your subconscious to perceive an expected situation as it has already happened… like, it’s a tangible reality and not just a mere wish.

Be Careful What You Wish For… It Might Just Come True… but why? Is the universe listening? Actually, it is the Reticular Activating System (RAS).

What is RAS?

The Reticular Activating System is a bundle of neurons located at the brain stem that project anteriorly towards the hypothalamus. No wider than a Pencil, the RAS is about 2 inches long and is linked with connecting the subconscious part of your brain with the conscious.

What Does RAS Do?

Recognized as the emotional center of the brain, the Primary Function of the RAS is to filter out unnecessary information from your immediate environment and make the most relevant information reach the relevant centers in the cerebrum for processing. Thanks to RAS, your senses are seldom overwhelmed with billions of information bits that an average human is exposed to every single day.

How RAS Helps Manifestation?

After filtering out unnecessary information, RAS focuses only on information that is pertinent to your specified goals. It then starts to scan your immediate environment to look for scope, opportunities and associated data that can support your aims and lead the same to successful accomplishment.

Prioritizing is the key that makes RAS work towards your spoken / unspoken goals. For example, if you are keen on buying the perfect red dress for Christmas, you are least likely to get distracted by dresses of other colors in the spectrum, irrespective of how strikingly beautiful they may be.

Your RAS will constantly scan the environment ‘Even When You Are Not Consciously Thinking About It’ and alert you enough to spot the avenues where the perfect Red Dress maybe available.

Coincidence? No. Manifestation? Maybe… But it has certainly been RAS all along!

RAS works exactly in the same way in almost all aspects of life… be it Love, Relationships, Finances, Profession, Family and sometimes, Ailments.

All you got to do is…


Help RAS Help You –

Could there be anything more deafening than the clamor of possible failures and mishaps shattering the calm of your mind…

Now that we know about the science behind manifestations, here’s how you can help RAS help you accomplish your goals methodically. For starters, here’s all that you need to do…

  • Pen down your goals priority wise
  • Read them aloud as many times as you can in a day
  • Do this every single day whether you feel if it is working or not
  • Pretend that you ‘What You Seek Is Already Yours’

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    A counselling psychologist by profession, Abs specialises in addressing mental health concerns of adolescents, young adults, and adults including stress & time management, relationship counselling, substance abuse, domestic violence, perinatal problems, depression, loneliness, anxiety, sexual issues, identity crisis and work issues, among others. She believes that therapy can hold different experiences & meanings for each individual, thus using an eclectic approach with her clients.

    Aditya’s passion lies in Career and Business Strategy. He loves Supporting executives and professionals with career obstacles such as self regulation, goal directed persistence, task initiation, planning/prioritization, role transition, organization and time management.

    His clients share from the experience about their coaching engagement  that they feel his coaching is an experience that is engaging, highly energizing and making learning fun. He has a strong determination to offer something different, with the intention of helping others succeed in their walks of life.

    His accreditations includes him being an Associate Certified Coach (ACC- ICF),Brave Spirit Icon 2017 I Youth Icon Recipient 2016 I National Service Excellence Award 2016 I National Education Award 2015 

    His experience includes 50,000+ hours that involves facilitation/presentation/training/consulting on a wide variety of topics globally across Dubai, Sri Lanka, UK, Canada, Indonesia, Australia, USA. He has successfully engaged with over 1,00,000+ participants from diverse backgrounds working on a national and international assignment since 2014.