If you believe that Employee Wellbeing is merely ensuring the absence of illnesses amongst employees, then you’ve been living under a rock! Organizations have long since moved on from the traditional approach towards Employee Wellbeing, where the only parameter was physical health. A twice-a-year free eye checkup & blood test does not mean your employees are healthy. As the recent COVID-19 outbreak has demonstrated, wellbeing consists of both MENTAL & PHYSICAL health. Happy & healthy employees are more productive & efficient. During the last two years of the pandemic, employers actively noticed the impact employee wellbeing has on their individual performance & on the overall business. Employees were distressed and worried, and employers had to find ways to accommodate the rising needs for empathy towards their employees. Studies show that due to poor mental health:
- 37% of sufferers are more likely to get into conflict with colleagues
- 57% find it harder to juggle multiple tasks
- 80% find it difficult to concentrate
- 62% take longer to do tasks
- 50% are potentially less patient with customers/clients
This can affect a business negatively. Employers need to know their way around this. Here’s how good employee wellbeing affects the organization:
- Reduced absenteeism and healthcare costs
- Increased employee engagement
- Improved employee productivity
- Improved employee morale
- Attractive employer branding
What Our Program Does
Implementing wellbeing in the workplace
Subjects Covered :
- What wellbeing is and why it is important
- The business case for wellbeing
- Ways to Wellbeing framework
- Pink Horse Paradox
- Creating Psychological Safety
- Digital wellbeing
- Introduction to Mindfulness
- Managing Stressors
- Strength based Coaching
- Creating a simple action plan to get you started
Strengthening personal resilience
Subjects Covered :
- Exploring the concept of resilience
- Learning how to develop mindful resilience
- Identifying the triggers that call upon you having to be resilience if the first place
- Understanding the differences between stress management and resilience
- Learning positive coping strategies for challenging times
- Identifying personal strengths
- Develop a personal plan for increasing wellbeing & resilience
- Take time out to connect, learn, take notice, and have fun
- Mindfulness
- Gratitude
- A will to survive, A will to Live and The Will to flourish in well-being.
Mental health at work for managers
Subjects Covered :
- Understanding what mental health and wellbeing is
- Identifying key factors that affect mental health and wellbeing at work
- Recognizing the continuum of mental health and who is affected
- Identifying the early signs of distress and how to make positive action
- Practical ways to better support/manage a member of staff with a mental health condition
- Understanding the correlation between supportive work cultures & better work performance
- Learn how to staying connected and yet remaining objective
- Digital wellbeing
- Mindfulness practices
- Positive Psychology Coaching
Strengthening personal resilience
Subjects Covered :
- Understanding what resilience means and why it is important
- Identifying the challenges for which resilience may be needed
- Discovering the degree of resilience that is already established in the manager
- Strengthening the resilience of the manager
- Understanding the role of managers in the resilience of their staff
- Reducing the need for people to call on their own resilience
- Understand how to embed the techniques and exercises into routine daily working lives.
Strengths & Confidence
Subjects Covered :
- Introduction to fostering self-belief and confidence
- Identifying your strengths & talents
- Exploring ways to reach your full potential
- Looking at what holds people back from being their best self
- PERMA model (Martin Seligman, Positive Psychology)
- Seeking everyday opportunities to apply your strengths and talents
- Combining personal values and strengths to create meaning and purpose at work and in life
- Setting strength based goals using the GROW model
Subjects Covered :
- Understanding what mindfulness is and isn’t
- What the research tells us
- The key principles to a mindful approach
- Mindful Practice
- Stepping out of autopilots
- The habit of thinking
- The relationship between mindfulness & creativity
- Mindfulness; finding calm in a frantic world
Wellbeing Skills: Returning to work
Subjects Covered :
- Each week has a theme and exercises are given to help the participant continue learning between sessions.
Forming the group
Aim: Form a supportive and productive space for change, set personal goals and introduce the theory of change.
Aim: Introduce people to the ways to wellbeing and how they can be implemented in everyday life. Experience Mindfulness.
Developing resilience and thinking positively about ourselves
Aim: Help people cope better with the ups and downs of life. Identify strengths and achievements. Explore what self-esteem is, how to build it and gain confidence in challenging negative ways of thinking.
Managing pressure
Aim: Identify and explore challenging situations that may occur when change happens. Consider helpful strategies which people can use to negotiate potential stressful situations.
Relationships with others
Aim: Look at the myriad of relationships people have and think about how people can foster these crucial relationships in a healthy way. Consider the need for empathy for others.
Celebrating the next steps
Aim: Final opportunity to share support, celebrate the achievements of the group, review goals and think about the next steps.