Let’s face facts, workspaces can often be so monotonous at times with these time-wasting meetings and never-ending lists of to-do’s.
But what if we said you could make your workdays as exciting as that weekend game night?
All you need is to put gamification into practice inside the workplace. From lifting employee morale to increasing productivity, from creating good competition to making learning a fun adventure, gamification can unlock the hidden potential in your workforce.
In this blog post, we’re going to tell you all about the world of gamification and how it can help in building an engaging company culture.
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What is Gamification in the workplace?

Gamification refers to the act of bringing gaming activities to work tasks and programs that might require more work from employees to undertake based on the boring methods followed.
Companies use different gamifying elements and mechanisms that can transform the common boring daily tasks into something less mundane – the likes of leaderboards, badges, and points, among others.
These techniques increase the interest of employees in performing their tasks and facilitate creativity because they bring enjoyment to the workplace.
The major factor for which companies become motivated to employ these techniques is that they want to motivate their employees and make them more attached to the workplace. Other companies take it as a step towards making boring tasks enjoyable.
How does Gamification improve the company culture?

Let’s be honest: It’s not that simple to keep the company culture strong.
Most probably, your employees are totally different from each other and it is challenging to keep them all equally engaged and satisfied.
And the worst is when you are looking for the right tool that will help you ensure that the values of your company are held in high esteem-a headache in itself.
That is where gamification comes in. But how exactly can gamification level up your company culture?
Encourages team bonding

For company culture to live for long, it is required to be fully supported by teamwork. Company culture demands hands up to deliver the business by all means.
When all people work together for the company’s mission and vision, it is achieved easily.
Gamification encourages your employees to work with one another while having fun. Gamification requires teammates to collaborate to achieve set targets so that they can receive rewards.
It builds strong relationships that will last. Gamification allows teammates to play together. As a result, they spend more time together, understand each other better, and experience an increase in mutual respect.
Just remember that teams are composed of different personalities, so the games must vary for everyone to have something they can enjoy. Then, nobody will feel left out.
Improves employee engagement

Do you have an idea on how to encourage disengaged employees? What you need is gamification.
Everyone enjoys playing games, especially while working.
By creating games in everyday work activities, you will be promoting working activities without the addition of stress through fun, exciting gaming activities.
In any case, gamification generates a relaxed setting.
Remember that a strong company culture requires everybody’s effort. Engaged employees influence workplace positivity and gamification is one way to add to it.
Produces higher job satisfaction

Job satisfaction refers to the feeling of satisfaction among workers concerning their jobs.
A worker who finds his job satisfactory will enjoy all his work tasks as well as hold an optimistic outlook.
By bringing gamification to your company, you are opening a gateway for employees to be able to enjoy working.
Work becomes monotonous and repetitive because the same things are done every day; therefore, gamification is significant.
People will be more satisfied coming to work since they will always acquire prizes for every activity, such as acquiring more points on the leaderboard, badges, or gift cards.
Promotes employee retention

Nobody wants to work in a toxic and hostile environment. Humans always like where they are welcomed.
The next company that promises better service is hardly a stone’s throw from where you are. But with the help of gamification, you can kill two birds with one stone:
You could maintain that level of entertainment while working towards showing your gratitude to them.
Employees tend to become less likely to resign from their jobs when they feel that their needs are a priority.
You can retain your bright employees if you provide them with an opportunity to know more through gamification at the expense of fulfilling their desire for instant gratification.
Bridges the gap between manager and employee

Can your employees walk up to your office and share ideas or suggestions with you or do they cower and hide when they see you approaching?
If your answer is the latter, then perhaps they do not feel appreciated or recognized.
Company culture is inclusive. This means that nobody gets left behind.
Employees and managers require intense bonding as company culture calls for a united effort.
This is where gamification helps. You are teaching your employees that they are valued to you.
Your company culture expresses what you value together as a company. If these values are not portraying employees to be safe around you, then maybe they should be checked.
Gamification is sure to open the way to having conversations with your employees while also strengthening your relationship with them, which will translate into a better work environment.
Empowers employees

Of course, people do more when they appreciate it, and your employees won’t be any different. You can inspire your employees to keep doing their best through gamification.
In a survey held on gamification at work, 88% of participants said gamification contributes to their happiness at work.
Besides, with the competitive aspect of gamification, employees will always have a desire to do better in order to accumulate more points.
Excellent company culture is to nurture and develop workers, and gamification is just an awesome method to ensure your employees that you actually care about their development.
The Bottom Line
Defining gamification cannot be very easy and neither can the implementation in the workplace.
Although you may want to unlock the true capacity of your workforce through gamification, set clear goals for yourself and communicate the objectives to leverage game elements and enhance employee engagement.
You should not forget that you need to revisit and modify your approach to make it effective and sustainable long term.
There is no better time today than right now for amplifying the full potential of your workforce through effective gamification!
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