Step up is a transition program to prepare and empower employees for managing people leader roles in the organization. Step Up is planned as an intensive virtual developmental journey, consisting of a blend of learning methodologies – VILTs, Tools, Videos and Papers/Articles.
The Learning transfer will happen through sharing models/concepts (15-20% time); interactive exercises/engagement (70-80% time), reflections (10 % time).
Understanding Leadership Styles, Strengths & Developmental Areas
Module I:
Contracting Methodology: Facilitator Intro/VILT Plan/Ways of Working
Key Message: Draw the max from the session
Module II:
Leadership Styles
Methodology: Concept Pre-Read – HBR Paper (with questions). Plenary & Debrief – Questions to understand styles Strength and Developmental areas i.e. versatility.
Module III: Motivation & Drivers
Methodology: Personal Drivers – Context and Concept Driver
Exercise (Individual) – Debrief
1) Share 1-2 examples
2) How can this help?
Key Message: Everyone has different drivers – Understanding that that will help you motivate yourself & others to perform
Module IV: Reflection
Methodology: My Leadership Journey /Stop – Start – Continue
Managing change successfully
Module I: Understand Change
Methodology:Context & Concept
Participant examples to explain the Change Curve. What gives us the energy to keep moving and ride the curve?
Key Message:Change is cognitive Change is constant, Everyone experiences differently. Help team manage change
Module II: Resilience
Methodology: Context and Concept (Video) Eight components of Resilience Poll on “Which I leverage most often?” Plenary on in situations of change/challenge/pressure which components were used? Which can be leveraged more?
Key Message: When under pressure due change, Lead through values to sustain and move forward.
Module III: Common Mistakes and Quick Wins Methodology: Introduce all mistakes (8) & Seek ways to overcome mistakes in Plenary Poll on “which ones they are likely to make”
Key Message: Common mistakes that could derail your journey as leader.
Module IV: Delegation
Methodology: Introduce “3- Steps to Delegation” with examples Introduce Delegation Matrix and in Plenary ask participants on diagnosis – How do you identify competence ? How do you identify Motivation ?
Key Message: Connect with common mistake of micromanagement
Module V: Reflection
Methodology: My leadership journey/Stop – Start – Continue Key Message: Develop self and team through delegation
Managing Stakeholders
Module I: Stakeholder Management
Methodology: Stakeholder Management – Why? Stakeholder Mapping and Prioritization (Influence and Interest Grid) – Introduce and Analysis of stakeholders – Classifying from Unaware to Leading
Assignment – Individual Activity – Identify a Challenge that needs managing a stakeholder – Classify and list actions to be taken. Debrief in Plenary.
Key Message: Strategize actions to focus on key stakeholders management
Module II: Effective Conversations
Methodology: Introduce Conversation Planner – Key skills: Active Listening & Effective Questioning
Exercises Between Facilitator & participants
Videos on Listening (non-judgemental)
Key Message: Focus on listening and understanding first ; Challenging Conversations will be higher at senior levels.
Module III: Effective Relationships
Methodology: Introduce Trust Equation – Credibility, Reliability and Intimacy
EBA – Plenary on What builds trust? What breaks trust?
Key Message: Build relationships based on empathy and trust amongst stakeholders and team.
Building HIGH Performing teams
Module I: Effective Team Working
Methodology: Introduce Lencioni – 5 Behaviors of Cohesive teams Identifying dysfunctions
Role of Leader in addressing dysfunctions
Challenges of Managing team remotely/virtually (Kellogg Video)
Key Message: Leader takes responsibility to get results by managing 5 behaviours in a team.
Module II: Giving & Receiving Feedback
Methodology: Why Feedback ?
BOOST Principles of Feedback
Introduce & explain SBI Model with example Show Videos, Draw learnings in Plenary (Done well , can be different)
Key Message: Feedback creates culture of Trust
Module III: Reflections
Methodology: My Leadership Journey/Stop- Start- Continue
Module IV: Reflections
Methodology: My Leadership Journey / Stop- Start- Continue
Managing teams and others
Module I: Coaching
Methodology: Introduce Coaching ( a Video) – Coaching Definition ; Revisit Coaching Skills – Listening/ Asking Question/Empathy/Rapport Building Introduce GROW Model –a Video – Debrief in Plenary to draw the Skills.
Quiz on Situations for Coaching
Key Message: The skill is a key part of their role to focus on strengths and potential of team members.
Module II: Conflict Management
Methodology: Define conflict
Introduce TKI Conflict Modes
Situations to apply 5 modes – Open/Chat Quiz
Key Message: Everyone responds differently to conflict situations, Understand their preferences and be more agile.
Module III: Time Management
Urgent Important Matrix
Group Activity on Prioritization
Key Message: Learn the skills to prioritize tasks and jobs
Module IV: Reflections
Methodology: My Leadership Journey/Stop – Start – Continue
Managing Others
Module I: Influencing without Authority
Introduction to Styles with Quick Demonstration Group Activity on situations to styles
Advantages/ Disadvantages of 4 styles Situations to use the Styles
Key Message: The role is not about getting work done but also “how to go about it”. Personal agility & versatility.
Module II: Collaboration Skills
Introduce Collaboration – Definition Introduce Model for Collaboration – Goals, Role, Processes and Relationships.
Share Case Study and seek inputs in Plenary Barriers to Collaboration
Key Message: Understand skills and obstacles to collaboration
Module III: Managing Across Cultures
5 Key Dimensions of Culture – Working Styles Videos on Body Language/Gestures
Individual Activity to scale self and others (colleague)
Cross-Cultural Context – Communication (Verbal & Non-Verbal)
Group Exercise – Strategies to Manage:
- Meetings
- Hierarchy/Protocols
- Decision Making
- Communication (Verbal and Non verbal)
Key Message: Build awareness and skills to manage cross cultural diversity.
Module IV: Reflections
Methodology: My Leadership Journey – Stop/ Start/Continue
6 Games:
VILT 1: Amazing Observer
VILT 2: Treasure Tunnels
VILT 3: Code Names
VILT 4: Fishy Equilibrium
VILT 5: Roads & Rails