Conflict at work is not uncommon However, how you manage the issue can have a huge impact on the success of your company. When employees interact, disagreements are likely to occur. This is where conflict management comes into play. Here are five top tips to help your business to manage conflict effectively:
Here’s a rundown of five different strategies, as well as the best times to apply each.
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Avoiding is the best strategy suitable for situations in which the importance of the relationship and its goals are not as important.
Although you’re unlikely to come across such scenarios in your work environment, they can happen during your daily routine.
For Instance, Lily was walking through a busy park when she came across a group playing music loudly from a portable speaker. She could have asked the teenagers to lower their music, but Lily knew that they were having fun and she wouldn’t see them again. She smiled politely and put on her headphones. Then she strolled along, enjoying the tranquil.
In workplace conflicts–where your goals are typically important, and you care about maintaining a lasting relationship with colleagues–avoidance can be detrimental.
Be aware that certain situations call for avoiding conflict, but you’re not likely to come across them in your workplace.

A different strategy is to compete, although not usually suited for workplace conflicts, can be beneficial in certain situations.
This style of conflict is best suited for situations in which you put a lot of emphasis on your goals and little importance on the relationships you have with other people. It’s assertive and lacking in cooperation.
You could choose a different method in a situation. If, for instance, Alex and Sarah were at odds over the best way to proceed in a heated discussion during a meeting for a group project. Sarah was insistent on her idea while Alex held a different view.
Alex normally tries to maintain harmony with his friends, but they both knew that in this case, they had to assert themselves in order to guarantee the success of the project. Alex presented his argument calmly, but firmly, and expressed their authority in the matter.
Alex’s assertiveness helped the group to find a better solution despite the tension. Sarah finally saw the value in Alex’s idea, and together they developed a better plan.
It is also a good idea to use it to assert yourself, and when you feel uneasy. In these situations, the need to assert yourself and reach security is more important than the relationships you have with other people.
If you choose to use a different style when your relationships matter it is possible to undermine trust, collaboration and productivity.

The third option for conflict resolution is to be accommodating, where you accept the needs of the other party. Be accommodating when the relationship is more important than the goal you are trying to achieve.
Imagine that you are planning a team trip to an amusement park nearby. Another coworker is concerned that the date you choose might interfere with a deadline at work. You decide to accommodate everyone by choosing a date which works for all and does not interfere with any work commitments. To make everyone happy, it’s important to show flexibility and be considerate of their concerns.
This can be useful when you are in a situation where the other person is upset or hostile, or if you do not have an opinion about the issue. This helps to de-escalate conflict immediately by taking your objective out of the equation.
While it is important to be flexible within the organizational setting, consider whether you make use of it to reduce conflict. If you are not happy with someone by acquiescing, it can wipe out the possibility of innovative thinking and problem-solving that is creative.

Compromise is a conflict resolution method in which both sides willfully sacrifice some of your requirements to come to an agreement. It’s referred to as a “lose-lose” strategy, since neither party can achieve their total goal.
This approach is effective in situations where your concern for your purpose and your relationship are moderate. You appreciate the relationship, but not to the point that you compromise your goals, as in the case of accommodation.
Perhaps, for instance, Imagine that you and your co-worker have different opinions about the best way to present a large presentation for your business. Your colleague prefers to focus on the data, whereas you like a visual approach. You compromise instead of fighting by blending the two ideas. You make a presentation with key data and visually appealing graphics. You both feel valued and the presentation will appeal to different audiences.
Making compromises requires a lot of thought and a willingness to swallow your pride, being aware that you may not be able to meet all your requirements. The advantages are that you and the other person value your relationship and are willing to sacrifice to come to a mutually beneficial solution.

If compromise is a losing approach and collaboration is an all-win situation. When you collaborate, the goal you want to achieve and the relationship are both equally crucial. Both should inspire each participant to work together in order to achieve the best solution that will satisfy the needs of all parties.
For instance, you are part of a team working on a new project, but tensions exist between the marketing and engineering departments. You suggest brainstorming sessions to defuse the tension. Marketing offers customer insight, while engineering assures feasibility. This collaboration results in a successful launch of the product, strengthening relationships, and boosting company reputation. Everyone is proud of their teamwork.
Collaboration is the best solution to most workplace conflicts. It is important to set goals, but it is equally important to maintain good relationships with colleagues. Encourage collaboration wherever possible to come up with new ways to solve issues. If you aren’t able to come up with an idea that is win-win, it’s always possible to resort to compromise.
The Bottom Line
If you follow these suggestions from experts to improve your business, you can be more adept at managing conflict. Make sure you talk freely, be attentive, pay attention, discover areas of agreement, be at peace and be respectful and seek out help when you need it. Conflict doesn’t need to be negative. When you take the proper approach it can help strengthen your team and make your workplace more enjoyable.
Also Read: 5 Tips For Navigating Workplace Culture During Challenges